Body Talk

Yesterday as I was walking, I took a step and suddenly had pain in my upper leg and hip. It wasn’t there when I took the previous step though. Being an empath, the pain didn’t surprise me, but it did slow me down. I went through my routine of asking if the pain was mine and letting it go if it wasn’t. Usually that does the trick and the pain disappears because it was someone else’s. This one didn’t go away though. My next thought was ‘ok, what’s this about? Body, what are you trying to tell me?’. As soon as I asked, I realized I haven’t been communicating with my body lately. I’ve had a lot of change going on in the last month and I’m about to make some more. I started talking to my body and within a minute the pain was completely gone and I was back to my normal pace.

If you’re reading this and thinking ‘she did what?’, you wouldn’t be the first person! And yes, I am talking about talking to your physical body! You are not your physical body, you are an energetic being in a physical body. You chose to work with this body during this lifetime. Think of it as two members of a team – you as your higher self and your physical body. Teams work best when they are communicating and working together. You, as your higher self, are the one in charge while your body is the vehicle to help you get done what you came here to do in this lifetime.

The thing is, your physical body doesn’t like change because it sees it as death. Even if you are making positive changes that will bring some good stuff your way, your body still sees it as death. So you could be wallowing in mud, not having a good time and your body still wouldn’t want to change for something better. It will settle for a comfortable hell if it means no change.

When you go to make a change, your body can start resisting. Let’s say you’re about to start a new project. Every time you sit down to work on it, you find yourself getting tired, distracted, unfocused, uninspired or have fears start popping up. Your body will throw these kinds of things at you to take your attention away from what you want to do.

My instructor explains it this way. See you, as your higher self, as the parent and your physical body as the child. If you want to get something done with a child, you don’t just spring it on the them because chances are they’ll resist or throw a fit. However, if you explain to them what you want to do and maybe even let them have some say in it, chances are they’re more likely to go along with it. The same thing with your physical body.

As you start thinking about a change you’d like to make, start talking to your body! Let it know what you want to do, that you are making this change so things can be better. Tell your body it is safe, that you won’t let anything happen to it. As you are reassuring your body, pay attention to any signs it sends you. It could be words, pictures, feelings, even physical sensations. Address these things, even if it’s simply to say ‘I understand, but you will be ok, we’re doing this to make our life better’. Sometimes that’s all my body needs to hear.

Go ahead, give it a try! Talk to your body next time you’re planning on starting a new project. Or if you’re already in the middle of one and finding it difficult to focus or move forward. Talk to your body every day. Let it know what you are going to do for the day. It can be as simple as ‘hey body, today we’re going to work, meeting friends for dinner and going for a walk when we get home’. The more you communicate, the more you should notice things going a bit smoother!


  1. Kim D. says

    As usual, SOOOOO timely! I am experiencing THIS exactly lately and wondering, “Hey! What’s going on with you, body?”