February 2021 – A Shift In The Energy

Have you felt a shift in the energy? I picked up on it the Monday before the Inauguration. I woke up and the world felt calmer. It was such a relief after the intense energy that we started the year with. The … //Read the Full Story//

Centering Tip #3 – Nature

Throughout August, I will be sharing tips and techniques I use to help me center during the day and feel better in about 5 minutes or less! One of the ways I love to center is in nature. Over the last few … //Read the Full Story//

August 2020- Owning Your Power

Part of owning your power is knowing you are bigger than any drama or issue that is going on. That includes a pandemic! You can hold your own, stay centered, stay balanced, stay focused on the big picture and … //Read the Full Story//


As we experience and move through some tremendous changes in our world, how are you taking care of yourself? Are you in a surviving mindset or a thriving mindset? It may seem ambitious to think you can thrive … //Read the Full Story//

Messages From Spirit > Your Power

How are you feeling in the energy of the new year? It’s definitely calmer, even though we’ve had some drama on the national and world stage, a full moon and a lunar eclipse already! I was thinking about how … //Read the Full Story//