Messages From Spirit > Universal Flow

Last month I wrote about the basics of energy. This morning as I laid in bed and meditated, I got this message that I want to share. It’s another perspective on how we operate on an energetic level and why … //Read the Full Story//

A Time To Heal

Has life seemed a bit intense to you lately? Like your plate has even more on it and there’s not enough time in the day? Are things coming up with you or people you know, like challenges, dramas and issues, on … //Read the Full Story//

Messages From Spirit > Rising To The Surface

We’ve all seen buoys, forever floating on the surface of the water. Even if a big wave washes over it and pushes it down under the water, it always pops back up to the surface. This is the image that Spirit … //Read the Full Story//

Messages From Spirit – Balancing

** This is the first in a new series on my blog called Messages From Spirit. It is based on recurring messages that come up during readings. If the same message keeps appearing, it’s meant to be shared because … //Read the Full Story//


One of the things that has been coming up a lot lately with people in readings is forgiveness. Just the idea of forgiving someone who hurt you can trigger all sorts of emotions in people. What I see with a lot … //Read the Full Story//