Centering Tip #9 – Own The Center Of Your Head

Throughout August, I’ll be sharing tips and techniques I use to help me center and feel better in about 5 minutes or less!

This technique deals with the shtuff (that’s the technical term for it!) racing around in my head. It slows and quiets things down, clears my head and helps me center!

There are 2 ways I do this. The first is what I was taught in my training. The second is what I’ve been doing lately that evolved from my training.

Method 1

Sit or lie down with your eyes closed. Take a couple of deep breaths to relax.

Visualize a ball of light above your head.

Allow that light to flow down like a waterfall, flowing through your head.

Now set the intention for what you want that light to clear away. Here are the things I usually say (I suggest that people new to this to say them out loud initially, so you are very clear about what you want. Otherwise you can say them silently or in your head, visualize them, etc.):

  • I allow this beautiful light to clear away the chatter in my head
  • I allow the light to clear away the thoughts racing around my head
  • I allow the light to clear any foreign energy in my head
  • I allow this beautiful light to clear away any thoughts, beliefs, programming or patterns that I’m ready to let go of, that no longer serve me well
  • I allow the light to clear away anything that gets in the way of me owning the center of my head in the present moment
  • I own the center of my head as spirit 100% in the present time!

When you are ready, take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Pause between each intention. You may see, feel, sense or have a knowing that things are being cleared out. Wait until you feel it’s cleared out as much as possible before going to the next intention.

These are my go-to intentions. If there is something else I feel that’s going around in my head, I add it to the list. The last intention affirms that I have cleared my head. Owning something as spirit means there is no one else’s energy in that space.


Method 2

Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Visualize yourself standing in the middle of your head. I see myself in a mountain meadow like the one Julie Andrews was in as she sang The Sound of Music.

I affirm that love and light is radiating out from me in all directions in my head. I see it radiating out from me. That love and light is clearing away and transmuting:

  • the chatter in my head
  • the thoughts racing around my head
  • anyone else’s energy in my head
  • any thoughts, beliefs, programming or patterns that I’m ready to let go of, that no longer serve me well
  • anything that gets in the way of me owning the center of my head in the present moment

Again, I end with:

  • I own the center of my head as spirit 100% in the present time!

Then I see myself spinning around, seeing blue, sunny skies and a clear view of all the mountains around me. If I’m feeling really cheeky that day, I may hum a little of The Sound of Music too, just to make it fun!

I like to do this technique in the morning, but it can be useful throughout the day. It’s also a good way to start your meditation too!

The center of your head is your space, your domain. You’re the only one who has control over what’s going on in it. Don’t be afraid to take charge and own that space!