Clearing A Space Using Energy

Laura Gentner Blog - Clearing A Space Using EnergyHere’s an energy technique you can use to clear a space and raise the vibration in it. It’s free, it takes only a couple of minutes and you can do it anywhere. It’s the energetic version of using sage. Being the energy enthusiast that I am, this is my go-to when things are feeling a little funky wherever I am. You can do it for a room, house, office, car, hotel room… literally anywhere! And because energy has no boundaries or limits, you can even do it remotely while you’re not even in the space!

Call forth a beautiful ball of light above the space you want to clear. You may visualize it, feel it or have some sense of it. You can choose the size and color of the light. I use white a lot because it is God’s light, Divine light, the highest vibration. I also use gold which is the Christ-consciousness energy. Use whatever color resonates with you in the moment. Allow that ball of light to flow down like a waterfall though that space on all levels. As the light is flowing through the space, you set the intention for what you would like to be cleared out or what you would like in that space. You can do this a few different ways. You can say or think:

  • I allow this light to clear out any _________.
    • fill in the blank with whatever you want to clear out. For example, it can be anger, fear, competition energy, conflict, tension, sadness, loneliness, distractions, other people’s/being’s energy, etc. Say each thing one at a time and allow the light to clear it away. If you are sensing it as it happens, simply wait until you feel what you have stated is clear before moving on to the next one. If you aren’t sensing it, give it 10- 15 seconds.
  • I allow this light to clear out anything that gets in the way of this space being filled with ____________.
    • Fill in the blank with all the things you want the space to be filled with. For example, love, peace, harmony, compassion, joy, abundance, health, wealth, creativity, laughter, understanding… you get the point. You can name these all in a row and don’t have to wait between each one like the previous example.
  • You can use a combination of these 2. First, specifically state what you want to clear out. Then, fill it with what you want.
  • You can ask for Spirit to help you as you do this. Call on whomever you work with or feel comfortable with. I work mainly with Archangel Michael when I do this because he is all about getting rid of fear. He also has a nifty vacuum that is good for clearing spaces! I ask him to use his vacuum as I use mine. It’s another simple way to clean on a physical and energetic level at the same time!

It’s that simple! I always tell people, if that resonated with you, then go ahead and use it exactly as I’ve described it. If you want to tweak it somehow, go for it! If it doesn’t resonate at all, pitch it out and find something that does work for you. There is no one right way to do it! Just set the intention for what you want to do and trust what you are feeling or getting!

You can energetically clear a room as much as and whenever you like. In my house, I can feel the energy getting stagnant. Maybe I just had a rousing round of Stinkin’ Thinkin’. Or I notice that I am having a hard time focusing or staying in my sweet spot. Sometimes there’s planetary energy going on too. You may get a sense of some heaviness in the space or know that something recently happened there, like an argument. It’s what I call energetic dust bunnies. I see it as energy (both high and low vibrational) that emanates from a person and sort of collects in the corners, affecting the energy of the space. A friend of mine, who sees energy, confirmed this. He has seen the energy of people who were in a space actually remain in the walls.

If you share a space with others – think of a family in a house, co-workers in an office – that’s a lot of energy with everyone there! People are going through different things all the time and that energy radiates off of them. Interactions between people also create an energy that adds to the energy of the space. That’s great if everyone is aware and happy and having a good day. It’s not so great if you have someone or people around you who are unhappy; experiencing life events like a divorce or a loved one’s passing; frustrated; angry, etc. That can even be you. It’s important not to have judgment about what someone is feeling and the energy they are adding to a space. That doesn’t mean you have to sit in it either! Start clearing the space and do something about it!

This is an important thing to understand about clearing a space. It is not about changing anyone there who may be angry, sad or frustrated. They may not be ready or willing to feel better. Energy clearing will raise the vibration of a space, which the angry, sad or frustrated person may feel. I believe that no matter how crappy you are feeling, if you are surrounded by love and high vibrations, you will feel it to some degree. Even if you consciously don’t let it in, it can still soften the hardest of hearts, even if it’s just a smidge. So, how that angry, sad or frustrated person reacts after the space is cleared is up to them. Don’t clear the space with the thought that you will change people, do it with the intention of making a space that is for the highest and greatest good of everyone who enters it. Can you see how you are actually owning your power in a situation like that? Instead of suffering through it, you do something to add light to it, to make it better!


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