Express Yourself! Part 2

Have you ever wondered why you have emotions? What purpose do they serve? I’m excited to share some info that I learned from Abraham-Hicks that finally made sense to me and put the reason why we have emotions into perspective. It definitely helped me take a look at some beliefs I had and make some positive changes in that department! Since I first heard all this, I have been more aware of my emotions and using that awareness to help me navigate what I’m feeling with more purpose and understanding. May it help you too!

Let’s start with the emotional scale. Abraham-Hicks uses this scale to show the range of emotions we can feel. As discussed in the previous post, emotions at their simplest are energy and each one has its own vibration. Looking at the scale, you’ll notice the list goes from highest to lowest vibration. There’s no judgment about an emotion being good or bad based on where it is in the scale. It simply shows the vibration of it.

Abraham-Hicks teaches that emotions are your personal guidance system, your own internal GPS. They show you if you are in alignment with your higher self or not. Why is that important? The more you are in alignment, the more you live authentically and life just keeps getting better! You feel good physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You become a master manifestor of the things your heart desires. During your life in this physical body, you experience many things that feel good and bad. When you are experiencing something, like an argument, and feel angry, that emotion is your sign that you are out of alignment. The same is true in reverse. If you’re doing something you love, let’s say a hobby, and feeling happy, then you are in alignment.

Don’t judge this awareness of whether you are in or out of alignment. It’s not something to get down on yourself about, that you shouldn’t have been having the argument or feeling angry. Remember, we are all here learning and everything that happens helps us to do that. If you are out of alignment and recognize it, you can then start doing something about it! That’s empowering! You have every right to sit in that anger if you like. But you also know that you don’t have to, you can start redirecting your energy in a positive direction. And here’s where the expressing your emotions comes into play… getting those emotions out will start you moving back into alignment with your higher self.

The emotional scale is also useful as you are moving back towards that highest vibration of love and joy. Have you ever felt angry and tried to suddenly just be happy? Looking at the scale, that’s a pretty big jump! It’s possible to do, but it takes a lot to bridge that gap. There’s an easier way to do it! Take it in manageable steps (one, two or a few at a time) up the scale. Let’s say you’re feeling angry with someone who didn’t keep a promise to you. If you can’t go straight to happy, which may be too big of a stretch, go for an emotion closer that you can reach. Maybe it’s worry- is something going on with them that caused them to break their promise? That feels a little better. When you’re ready, take another step. Maybe you can get to frustrated – this person is usually reliable, but they didn’t come through this time. Darn it, we had something fun planned and I was really looking forward to it. That feels better than worry. Next maybe you can get to contentment – this person is a good friend and they’ve never done this before, so in the grand scheme of things it’s not the end of the world. That feels a little better. You keep going until you’re back at the top of the scale.

That example was on the simplistic side, but you get the idea. Each step that you take offers relief from where you were. Doing it in smaller steps makes it easier to get yourself back into alignment. Now, you don’t have to rush through it or do it in a matter of minutes. When you’re ready, take the next step. Maybe you move from angry to worry in a few hours but you stay in worry for a few days. That’s ok. Move at the pace that feels right for you.

I’m going to say something and if you have been on either of these sides, then don’t judge, criticize or feel guilty about it, just see it as a learning point! If you’re feeling angry and someone is trying to cheer you up or tell you to forget about it and you know that’s not possible for you at that moment, don’t apologize or feel like you’re doing something wrong! You’re feeling what you’re feeling and that’s ok. Tell them as nicely as possible that you are where you’re at, you’re not sure how long you’ll be there and to just let you be. And if you’re the happy person, honor what the other person is feeling. Let them work it out. Offer to be there for them if they need some support or an ear to bend. They’ll reach out when they are ready. No need to force anything or possibly cause some drama between you. In fact, your happy vibration may feel irritating to them. And vice versa. What’s important is that you honor what you or others are feeling. You get to move through what you’re feeling at your pace, allow others to do the same.

Looking at emotions from an energy/vibration perspective, does it make more sense? Emotions do serve a purpose! Can you see why we should stop defining them as good and bad? Before reading this, did you ever think emotions like worry or anger could actually serve you well? They do if you were feeling hatred or despair or depression before that. And how awesome that you have your own internal guidance system, letting you know when you are in or out of alignment with your higher self! Helping you to figure out if you need to change something or keep on doing what you’re doing. We all want to have an amazing life where we feel wonderful, happy, loved and fulfilled. Where our dreams are coming true and we live in abundance. Understanding how your emotions are helping you do that moves you closer to that reality!