Messages for 2025

Happy New Year! Wishing you a year filled with love, joy, laughter, health and prosperity!

I also want to thank you for continuing to follow me and the spiritual work that I do. I’m looking forward to doing more with my business this year, guiding people as they remember who they are as spirit, step into their power more and shine even brighter!

The beginning of the year is exciting in that it’s buzzing with possibility and the potential of what can be. Do you feel it too? If you haven’t already, it’s still a good time to set intentions for 2025. Here’s a simple ritual you can do. Light a candle. Call in your spirit team to surround you with love and light. Think of what you want to let go of that no longer serves you well. Visualize sending it into the candle flame, where it will be transmuted. Then set your intentions for this year. What do you want to do, what are your heart’s desires? Say them out loud or write them down, it will help you get crystal clear about them. You are setting the energy of your intentions in motion, so the clearer you are, the better. It also helps your Spirit Team know exactly what you want. They’re listening too and will help you in every way possible to manifest those intentions.

I know the thing on a lot of people’s minds is the upcoming inauguration and the next 4 years. It’s been a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people. I held off writing right after the election because I had my own emotions to deal with before quieting down to hear what Spirit had to say. Many of you know I see everything as either love or fear. So I felt stunned that so many Americans chose someone who operates in and from so much fear. It took me a hot minute to take it all in. When I made peace with it, I received the first message from Spirit. It was a vision of rolling up sleeves and “we’ve got some work to do”. The feeling of it was gung-ho and optimistic. Spirit is ready and rearing to go, so let’s get to it!

Last year I was part of a group that was reading about and putting into practice 5th dimensional living. Life here on earth is 3rd dimensional, where there is a duality of love and fear. The 5th dimension is only love. The process of moving into a higher dimension is ascension. We as souls are ascending, and the classroom we came here to learn in – our beautiful planet earth – is also ascending! It’s already happening. There are many souls here, like you, who are helping this process. Spirit is helping too. It’s not a matter of if ascension will happen, it’s a matter of when.

It was in this group I realized I have been picking up on this ascension since around the time of COVID. I knew something bigger was going on. Spirit has been showing me that the fear-based systems and things we do are falling apart because they are not sustainable. Things like inequality and putting profits before people and the environment are not sustainable. To make way for the new, we have to let go of and change what is not serving us well, that which is fear-based.

Just as there are souls helping with the ascension, there are souls here who are resisting it. They continue operating in fear-based systems and from fear-based beliefs, afraid of change or losing what they think is “power” – money, status, land, material possessions, etc. Spirit keeps saying they are like a cornered animal, snarling and lashing out as it tries to defend itself. These souls are young souls, who identify more as physical beings, unaware to some degree of the soul they truly are, unaware that their true power is their divine power, not money or status. We all started out as young souls, existing and behaving from this same unaware state in other lifetimes. As an older soul, it can be difficult to watch young souls as they are figuring it out, especially when what they do is hurtful and/or destructive or they are in positions that have an impact on a lot of people, like a president.

So the big picture is that we’re in the process of ascending. The fear-based systems and beliefs we’ve been living with aren’t sustainable, cannot exist in higher vibration as we move towards love. There are souls who are helping the ascension process and souls who are resisting it. If you’re reading this, it’s a safe bet that you are one of the souls helping with the ascension. Seeing what’s happening in our country, in our world, from this higher perspective can help you navigate it more easily. That higher perspective also takes you out of the middle of the action, where emotions and fear can run high. It’s in that higher, quieter space that inner clarity also comes more easily. Here are messages and guidance I’ve received from Spirit to add to that higher perspective.

  • Living intuitively is going to be important moving forward. Intuition is your divine GPS within you, that voice, that nudge, that knowing, that feeling that guides you in the right direction. It never steers you wrong. Check in with it on everything. It will tell you what is true and what isn’t, who is operating from love and who is operating from fear, who you can trust and who you cannot, what direction to go in and what direction to avoid. The more you use your intuition, the easier it is to recognize it within you, how it feels to you. You’ll feel more comfortable and confident using it. Intuitive living will become especially important as misinformation and disinformation continues to be spread, helping you know what is true and what isn’t. To learn more about intuition and intuitive living, I highly recommend the work of Echo Bodine.
  • Love, love, love! As much as possible, stay centered in and come from a place of love. There will be times when this is easier than others. There may be times when you slip into fear. You may get angry or behave in a way towards someone that you’re not proud of. Or you feel overwhelmed or exasperated with what you are seeing or experiencing in the world. It’s ok. You’re here, we’re all here, learning how to navigate this duality of love and fear. Some days you will do better at it than others. Figure out the way best for you to move through any fear-based emotion(s) and make your way back into love. You want to come from a place of love in all that you do. Wherever you see fear, try your best to meet it with love. There is no one right way to do this because each person, each interaction, each experience is unique. This is where following your intuition comes in. It will guide you on what to do and how to do it. You also have your Spirit Team. Work with them. Ask them for help, guidance, clarity, signs. You are not alone in this! Use these divine resources, they are here to love, support and co-create with you.
  • Being centered in love does not mean you have to live your life like a monk or a saint. It doesn’t mean you have to take BS, abuse or disrespect from others either. Choosing love doesn’t make you weak. On the contrary, it means you are firing on all divine cylinders! You can be bold and centered in love. You can be feisty, focused, determined, funny or goofy and centered in love. You get to figure out what it looks like for you and how to apply it in each relationship, situation or experience you’re in. Your intuition will help you here too!
  • Be aware of your thoughts, they are powerful and valuable. It’s your thoughts that are creating your reality. Like a magnet, what you focus on, what you keep thinking about, is what you draw to you! Don’t waste your thoughts on things that you don’t want. You’ll hear people say they are worried about this, worried about that. All they are doing is attracting what they are worried about. And then they wonder why they have so much to worry about! If they focused instead on what they want, that would become their reality. And they’d be much happier! This applies to individuals and groups. Think about all the people who are worrying about what will happen with the incoming administration. It’s creating a collective momentum of worry energy. Don’t add to that momentum! Shift your thoughts to what you do want! You can read more about this in my posts Putting The Brakes On Runaway Thoughts and Shift Your Thoughts, Shift Your Energy.
  • “They will learn:” – Spirit is saying that those who are living and trafficking in fear will learn because the fear they are creating will come back to them. For example, some people will wake up when they are adversely affected by a fear-based policy they initially supported. Others may wake up when they see loved ones negatively affected. Some are just going to get tired of being in so much fear, anger, frustration, etc. all the time. When I heard “they will learn”, there was no feeling of malice to it. It’s simply about how we become aware of our divinity.
  • Connection – connecting with others is also going to be important. These connections will help you stay uplifted or uplift you when you’re feeling down. Connection is also about building community. It feels like these communities/groups will be spaces of love and light, where people get together to laugh, have fun, support each other, collaborate and see/feel that they are not alone. Where you are with people who are also centered in love and focused on making the best of whatever the circumstances may be.
  • This last one is interesting. The fear surrounding and created by the incoming administration will be the impetus for many people to do more good in the world. It’s motivation to show up in big ways and small ways and do some really great things that benefit everyone, to make some profound changes on individual and collective levels. This wouldn’t necessarily happen if people were feeling comfortable in their lives. There’s more incentive to act, to do something when you are feeling and seeing the weight of fear in the world.

I hope this helps you see you do not have to live in fear, worry, anger or anxiety this year, the next 4 years or at any time! You have the tools, with all that you have been learning about who you are and your power, to cut through fear like a hot knife through butter! You also have resources, like your Spirit Team, supporting and guiding you. Here’s where you really get to put it all into practice! You are more than capable of navigating not just this incoming administration, but anything that comes your way! Of holding love and light in this world. Of rising above. Of helping lift others up and shine brighter together. Of co-creating a reality, a world that is loving, peaceful, equitable and healthy. You can do. I can do it. We can all do it together!