Spirit Series – Archangel Raphael

Next up in the series is Archangel Raphael, the angel who is all about healing. Call on him if you want to do healing for yourself or send healing energy to someone else. Archangel Raphael also works with all kinds of healers and those who help people heal, like energy workers, doctors, nurses and counselors. The healing can be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and/or energetic.

I’ve come to know Archangel Raphael as a wise, loving, patient and gentle being. His guidance is amazing when it comes to ways to heal and feel better! He has offered wonderful insights for both my healing and when I’m helping others. He understands the doubts people can have about healing, especially when they are in any form of pain. That’s where his gentleness and patience really come in. Just his presence and energy can help people overcome their doubt, which then opens them up to healing and relief. Don’t let that gentleness fool you though into thinking he’s passive about healing! He’s really gung-ho about it! I’ve received lists of ideas from him on how to help clients heal and start feeling better now!

Archangel Raphael is associated with the color green, an emerald green. If you call on him and start seeing flashes of green around you, it’s one sign he’s with you! You may suddenly find things that are green crossing your path. Or you may feel drawn to the color green in some form (clothes, food, etc.).

Archangel Raphael is also known for helping travelers.  When I travel, I ask both Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael (they are known to often work together) to keep me healthy and safe and get me home safely. I also ask the same for my loved ones when they travel. While sitting on a plane before takeoff, I have asked them to keep everyone safe on the flight and get us to our destination. I heard them say “ok”, then got an vision of them on each side of the plane, one under each wing. They were having fun as they helped lift the plane gently off the ground! I continued to feel them during the flight and touch down was a breeze. I’ve never had an issue on any flight when I’ve asked them to watch over it. In fact, they have been some of the smoothest flights and trips I’ve ever had!

Ways To Work With Archangel Raphael

There are infinite ways that you can work with Archangel Raphael. Here are a few to give you some ideas and get started! One of the simplest ways is to ask for a healing. Ask Archangel Raphael to shower you in his emerald green energy. Close your eyes and bask in his energy. This will also help you quiet your mind, so you can more easily hear any messages from him that will help with your healing. Another way is to ask him to work with you on your healing. Tell him what you would like to heal. Make time on a regular basis to interact with him so he can guide you on what is best for you. Working with him in this way is very empowering as you are also acknowledging your power while co-creating with him!

A few years ago, I felt a nudge to give up caffeine. I was drinking chai every day and felt the caffeine may be affecting my body. One day, after a reading for a client using my Archangel Raphael Healing oracle deck, I asked what I needed to know for myself. I started shuffling the cards. Surprise, surprise the Caffeine Free card fell out! I took the message to heart and asked Archangel Raphael to help me cut out caffeine. When I was in my 20s, I stopped drinking soda and had caffeine withdrawal headaches for weeks. So I was anticipating something similar again. Over the next few days, I weaned myself off the chai. This time though, it was so easy! I didn’t have any headaches or withdrawal symptoms. In fact, I had more energy and brain fog disappeared. I thoroughly believe Archangel Raphael’s help and support helped me sail through that with ease!

I work with Archangel Raphael every day with my food. I don’t recall how this started, but it’s become a morning ritual for me before I eat breakfast. I ask Archangel Raphael to come co-create with me. He has a sense of humor because I either get a vision of someone pushing up their sleeves or rubbing their hands together in the ‘let’s do this!’ kind of way! I then ask him to help me take out anything that isn’t good for me from my breakfast and anything I eat and drink during the day. Once we’ve removed that energy, I ask him to help me infuse all my food and beverages with light and love, maximizing the efficacy of them and helping me heal on all levels. This ritual has also helped me appreciate my food more, savoring the flavors and enjoying the simple act of eating!

A healer friend of mine shared this next one with me. She was guided to do it during her daughter’s cancer treatments. I did this with me step-dad when he was getting immunotherapy treatments for melanoma. As the immunotherapy solution was being prepared, we would call on Archangel Raphael, asking him to take out anything that didn’t serve my step-dad well and leave in the things that would help him heal. The doctors were surprised that my step-dad had almost no side effects. The only thing he really ever mentioned was feeling cold. You can do this with Archangel Raphael for any kind of treatment, helping to ease or eliminate side effects and other physical reactions.

During my step-dad’s treatments, I would also feel Archangel Raphael in the room. I got visions of him sitting in an alcove or standing behind my step-dad. His presence was always calming and reassuring. I even feel that Archangel Raphael guided me on things to bring to do during the treatments. We played games and colored pictures, pictures I have on my frig that remind me of my step-dad.

Archangel Raphael also came through strongly after a meeting with my step-dad’s doctor. The doctor had just told him his thyroid levels were up and to expect his thyroid to be blown out because that’s what happens to everyone that gets that particular immunotherapy treatment. Those words felt like sandpaper on my soul as I heard them. That’s always my sign that something is not true. As we went up to the treatment area, I started getting messages, which I shared with my step-dad. What came through is that yes, others have had their thyroids blown out, but it didn’t happen to everyone and it didn’t have to happen to my step-dad. That was his doctor’s reality with patients so far, but it didn’t have to be his reality! If he wanted, my step-dad could make a different reality, one where his thyroid was ok. We worked on letting go of the doctor’s words and visualizing my step-dad with a healthy thyroid. And you know what, after that his thyroid levels stayed normal. He never had an issue with his thyroid for the rest of his life!

I told a friend about Archangel Raphael before she was scheduled to have surgery. How she can ask him to watch over her and her surgery, making sure everything goes well and helping her to recover. After the surgery, she told me how she remembered seeing green around her as she drifted off from the anesthesia. Her surgery went well and she recovered from it. You can ask for Archangel Raphael’s help with any kind of procedure. To help you find the best doctor for you. To make sure you get a correct diagnosis. To make sure your doctor and the staff are alert and on their a-game when you see them or have a procedure/surgery. To help you with your recovery.

One thing I would highly recommend is to work with Archangel Raphael to heal the past before you start experiencing it as physical dis-ease. All illness and dis-ease starts at the energetic level. If the memory of something traumatic or painful in any way still comes up, and if that memory triggers a negative emotional, mental and/or physical response within you, then you are still holding the energy of it in your body. That energy is not meant to be held in your body! It is meant to be expressed, flowing through and out of you. When you hold that energy in your body, it starts causing issues that can eventually develop as some form of dis-ease. Let that memory now serve as a guide of what to heal. Ask Archangel Raphael to work with you to release that energy and heal. If you have buried something painful from your past down deep, trying to forget about it, facing it now can feel daunting, even scary. Don’t let that stop you! Archangel Raphael will help you face it and heal it, freeing you from the past and the negative effects it has on you. Be proactive with healing the past rather than reactive. Because healing and shifting on the energetic level is easier and happens much faster than on the physical level.

So that’s Archangel Raphael! I hope you have a better understanding of this amazing angel and what he does. He wants you to know that healing can happen in a myriad of ways and on multiple levels. Even getting happy is a form of healing! Call on him and work with him to heal and feel better so you thrive in this lifetime!