Themes Of The Times – part 3

I’ve been having some great conversations that have inspired me and helped me see new perspectives as we navigate coronavirus. It’s brought joy to my heart to hear how many are taking steps to keep hope alive and focus on the positive! Over the next few days I’ll be posting on some of the themes from those conversations…

The Future

When it comes to ideas about what life will look like moving forward, I’ve heard thoughts that cover the entire spectrum. Here are some things I’ve felt and been shown about this.

As I’ve heard people talk about life never going back to what it was, it feels like sandpaper on my soul. That we may not being able to get together in large groups, no hugging, even Dr. Fauci’s comment about never shaking hands again. I’ve come to understand that when I get that sandpaper feeling, something is definitely not true.

There are still so many things we don’t know about this coronavirus and to start making statements like the ones above feels limiting. The future holds many possibilities. To start speculating about future limitations gives them momentum. The more momentum something has, the more likely it will become a reality. Don’t get caught up in that fear cycle! The reason I don’t do predictions is that I tell a client something based on the energy at that moment, then they leave and make a right turn instead of a left and what I just said goes right out the window! The future is not set in stone and can change based on what happens right now.

Why spend your energy and possibly drive yourself crazy worrying about what may or may not happen? You are here in the present moment, so be present in it and do what you can to enjoy it. The present moment is also where you have the power to make change. By focusing on what you do have now and making the most of it, you are marinating in some pretty awesome energy! And that in turn helps set the course for the future too. Affirm that you are safe, you are loved, you are healthy, you have wonderful relationships, you live in abundance (you have food and TP!). It’s a much better use of your time and energy, plus it feels so much better than worrying!

During a very spiritual discussion with my best friend recently, I was shown a future possibility that left me feeling inspired and very hopeful! During this time at home, many businesses have embraced various technologies that allowed employees to continue working at home and keep the business running. There have been some advantages to working from home, like not having a daily commute. This means the time employees spent commuting can be used for something else, like spending time with their family, pursuing a hobby, exercising, self-care, turning within (you know I had to add that one!), etc. It’s also been saving on gas and in turn, the environment. When things start opening up again, businesses have the opportunity to incorporate some of these new ways of operating as they move forward and allow employees the choice to work from home some or all of the time. There will be those who may still want or need to go to the office every day, others who may go some of the time and some who prefer staying at home. Chances are that some businesses may need some employees to be at the office, but maybe not everyone, like it previously did. If more people are working from home, that means less traffic on the roads during rush hour and cutting down on drive times for those on the road. And again, less time commuting means more personal time outside of work. Can you see how this one possibility can keep unfolding into new possibilities that lead to more fulfilling lives for those that see the opportunities and embrace change?

This shake up in our lives and our world is an awakening for anyone that opens up to and embraces it. Yes, there are some difficult and sad facets to it. Change isn’t always easy and can have some bumps in it. And as we go through the bumps, letting go of the old and opening up to something new, it can feel scary going from the known to the unknown. But the spiritual truth is that we each have what we need already inside of us to navigate through those bumps. You will make it through, you will come out stronger and wiser on the other side. Claim that power right now! Because when you claim it, you know you have nothing to fear. You know that with change comes growth and new opportunities. And even if you don’t understand or see them at this moment, you know they are on the way because you are claiming your power and co-creating that brighter future right now!